If you're a writer with a website, you've probably used or contemplated using Google Analytics. And for good reason! It's a free tool that offers all sorts of information about your website users--you know, those people you're praying will read your books. This...
Evie Jamison

KRW Goes to Imaginarium 2021
From July 9th to the 11th, the Kentuckiana Romance Writers were in abundance at the Imaginarium Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. For the first time, we sponsored a table to exhibit the fantastic works of our authors and promote our group to other local romance...
Why are vanity presses still the deadly sin of publishing?
Twenty or more years ago, vanity presses were easier to spot. Almost anything that was not a traditional publisher was a vanity press. If you paid to have your book published, it was considered vanity publishing. But, as with all things in publishing in the...
Business or Pleasure: What the IRS says about your writing career
As we all become more serious as writers, there comes a point where we will inevitably consider the tax ramifications of our careers. As far as the IRS is concerned, writing can either be a business or a hobby. The purpose of a business, generally speaking, is profit,...
5 Tips on Writing Comedy in Romance
Whether you're writing a comedic contemporary or just want a few notes of humor to add to your paranormal, comedy can improve your romance. Here's five tips to consider: 1) A comedic scene must progress the plot, just like any scene in your novel. If the scene is...
How Matt Bomer and Harrison Ford Can Improve Your Descriptive Writing
Then I had the idea (and maybe other people already do this–I have no idea) to try to find something universal about great smiles. What makes them great? I never did discover the answer. But what I found was that when I compared two different people, both known for nice smiles, my descriptions became a lot better.
Kickstart Your Writing during NaNoWriMo
You're a writer. That's what you tell yourself, at least in your more optimistic moments. On bad days, well...we all know what sorts of terrible things can fill our heads. I won't give space to all the lies here. But the truth is...you're a writer. You joined KRW (or...