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Happy New Year, reader, from KRW!

Happy 2023, everyone! It's time for a fresh start and new resolutions. Are you going to make one about your writing career? Try to up your challenge from last year. In 365 days, the results will pay off!

Read on to learn about this month's FABULOUS meeting, paying your dues, and everything else going on in Kentuckiana Romancelandia.
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Dues Are Due Now!

Members: Paypal invoices were sent out today for dues renewal. Please make sure to pay them by January 31st. If you joined KRW in November or December of last year, those dues will count toward this year and you will not receive an invoice.

Also, if you would prefer to pay by check, please contact Treasurer Dona Whitehead or bring a check to the January meeting. Dona's address will be posted in the Facebook Group. Checks should be made out to "Kentuckiana Romance Writers."

January Meeting

Our January meeting will be held on January 15 at 2:00pm at the St. Matthews Library (3940 Grandview Ave.) Lynn Tincher Calvert will be presenting "Character Interviews: The Key to a Successful Story." Some of our authors heard Lynn speak at the Imaginarium convention and gave her rave reviews!

Please note that January 15th is the 3rd Sunday in January instead of our usual 2nd.
Character Interviews The Key to a Successful Story

February Meeting

You be the instructor at our February 12 meeting! What does that mean? Well, we've all read books on the craft of writing that have helped us along the way. At this meeting, pick one of those sources (and share it ahead of time on our Facebook Group so we don't double up) and plan to spend 5-10 minutes briefly summarizing the main points of the book and answering questions. TThe meeting will start at 2pm at the Barnes & Noble on Hurstbourne Pkwy.

Online Workshop

Facebook Group

If you are a paid KRW member, please join our private Facebook Group. Please click this link or on the picture to the left to join if you haven't already. We will no longer be using the old Google Group from this point forward, so please don't get left behind!
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Keep Us Updated

It's a new year, so please make sure to inform KRW if you have any changes to your email or home addresses. Also, double check your bio on the website, and let Krissie White know if you'd like any changes. Please email updates and photos to

Member News

Marilyn Barr's third Strawberry Shifters book: Go Scorch Yourself won the NN Light's Book Heaven Award for Best Overall Paranormal Romance of 2022. Her Paranormal Historical Romance, Sound of a Wylder Silence, was a finalist for Best Historical/Western of 2022 in the same contest. She's decided to take readers to the arctic circle in her monster romance series, Snuggling in Siberia. The first steamy novel, Cuddling My Chuchunya, is currently on pre-order for 99c until its release on 1/13/2023.
S. Cinders brings the heat when she joins the Defying the Gods multi-author series. Her steamy novella, Fates of Destiny, is the third installment and releases 1/17/2023.
The first three books of Kat Turner's witchy paranormal romance series, Coven Daughters, are available on Kindle Unlimited. Book 4 releases in March 2023.

Not Yet a KRW Member? Now Is the Best Time to Join!



• If you have something you'd like included in our "Member News," be it an upcoming or recently published book, an award, etc., send us an email or post it in our Facebook Group!

• We're always on the lookout for speakers. Please send us your ideas to

• If you're a member and have not joined our private Facebook Group, please click here!

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If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at
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