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HappyFebruary, reader, from KRW!

Settled into 2023 yet? Buckle in for a fun February with KRW! Read on for meeting information, member news and more!
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Dues Are Due Now! (Actually Yesterday)

Members: Paypal invoices were sent out last month for dues renewal. If you haven't paid, please make sure you pay ASAP or you will be removed from our membership list in the next few weeks. No one wants that!

If you lost your PayPal invoice, you can still pay by going to the "Join Now" page of our website, filling out the minimum required information marked by the asterisks(*), and then going to the PayPal link at the end.

February Meeting

You be the instructor at our February 12 meeting! What does that mean? Well, we've all read books on the craft of writing that have helped us along the way. At this meeting, pick one of those sources (and share it ahead of time on our Facebook Group so we don't double up) and plan to spend 5-10 minutes briefly summarizing the main points of the book and answering questions. The meeting will start at 2pm at the Barnes & Noble on Hurstbourne Pkwy. Find us inside the Starbucks!

Quick note about the March and April Meetings...

The second Sunday of the month has holiday conflicts in each of those months, so keep your eye out in the Facebook Group for updated information.
Online Workshop
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Facebook Group

If you are a paid KRW member, please join our private Facebook Group. Please click this link or on the picture to the left to join if you haven't already.
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Keep Us Updated

It's a new year, so please make sure to inform KRW if you have any changes to your email or home addresses. Also, double check your bio on the website, and let Krissie White know if you'd like any changes. Please email updates and photos to

Member News

Jessica Minyard will have a special hardcover release on February 14 of her YA romance, The Girls of Fall, a funny, gritty, and fierce coming-of-age story with an authentic voice.
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Did you recently try to join KRW?

We've had a few people of late fill out the form to join on our website but not pay the PayPal dues. Without the dues, we cannot add you to our membership, which means you will not be added to our Facebook group or list you on our website. This makes us sad! If you're unsure if you paid and are reading this, please reach out to us at


• If you have something you'd like included in our "Member News," be it an upcoming or recently published book, an award, etc., send us an email or post it in our Facebook Group!

• We're always on the lookout for speakers. Please send us your ideas to

• If you're a member and have not joined our private Facebook Group, please click here!

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If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at
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