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Happy November, reader, from KRW!

Read on to see what's going on in Kentuckiana Romancelandia!

November General Meeting

Writing in an anthology is one of the most fulfilling experiences you can have as an author...when it's planned appropriately. Join in on the ground floor as we decide the theme, parameters, timeline, charity, and nuts & bolts of KRW's first charity anthology. Let's build up our newest authors' followings, create a legacy for our group, learn the skills behind organizing author group projects, and do something fantastic for our community.

Facebook Group

If you are a paid KRW member, please join our private Facebook Group. Please click this link or on the picture to the left to join if you haven't already. You will miss out on events, discussions, and other information if you don't join!
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• If you have something you'd like included in our "Member News," be it an upcoming or recently published book, an award, etc., send us an email or post it in our Facebook Group!

• We're always on the lookout for speakers. Please send us your ideas to

• If you're a member and have not joined our private Facebook Group, please click here!

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If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at
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