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Happy July, reader, from KRW!

Read on to see what's going on in Kentuckiana Romancelandia!
Marilyn Barr at the KRW table at Imaginarium 2022!

Join KRW at Imaginarium this weekend!

Come find the KRW table at the Imaginarium Convention at the Holiday Inn Louisville East on July 14-16. Come chat, learn about KRW, and have some fun with our wonderful authors!

August General Meeting

Learn how to sell your books, brand, & yourself at in-person events and then practice in safe, mock book fair. Please note the special location!

Facebook Group

If you are a paid KRW member, please join our private Facebook Group. Please click this link or on the picture to the left to join if you haven't already. You will miss out on events, discussions, and other information if you don't join!
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Keep Us Updated

Please make sure to inform KRW if you have any changes to your email or home addresses. Also, double check your bio on the website, and let Krissie White know if you'd like any changes. Please email updates and photos to

Member News

Marilyn Barr released the 4th installment of her Strawberry Shifters series with the Wild Rose Press on 6/7/2023. Rotten Apple is her first dark fantasy novel but continues the saga she started in 2019. Keep your eyes out for Marilyn and other members of KRW who will be signing and selling books at the Shepardsville Farmer's Market on 7/22/2023. Marilyn will also be signing books at the LaGrange Indie Authors Book Fair on 8/5/2023. Marilyn's independently published Snuggling in Siberia Monster Romance series will release its second book, Spooning My Chuchunya on 8/8/2023.

Kristin Lee released Sunshine & Saddles: A Steamy Forbidden Small Town Romance on June 13th.

S. Cinders will release Virgo: Masters of the Zodiac Book 12 on August 21st.


• If you have something you'd like included in our "Member News," be it an upcoming or recently published book, an award, etc., send us an email or post it in our Facebook Group!

• We're always on the lookout for speakers. Please send us your ideas to

• If you're a member and have not joined our private Facebook Group, please click here!

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If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at
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